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“Julie Meadows edited every page of my dissertation.  She made the writing more lively and hospitable.  Even more than this, though, she dug down into the ideas of each chapter and helped me discern the logic connecting them.  She then helped me structure the chapter so that this logic shone through.  And she did all this with such a gracious, encouraging manner that I always looked forward to our times together.  I have never worked with a better editor.”Ted A. Smith, Associate Professor of Preaching and Ethics, Candler School of Theology

“Julie was a tremendous help in revising my dissertation for publication. She helped me to make the argument clearer and stronger, and to eliminate the things that are appropriate to a dissertation but not to a book. Julie is a delightful person to work with, and she makes the painful process of revision much easier.” Susan E. Hylen, Associate Professor of New Testament, Candler School of Theology

“Julie Meadows is a very talented writer and editor. She lets you know what needs to be done to make your writing or piece more clear, concise, and effective, while not making you feel helpless or incompetent. She truly is invested in improving your work and writing. Years later, my work with her has continued to benefit me throughout my career; to this day professionals and colleagues compliment me on my writing; Julie played a significant role in my improvement. It is a great pleasure to work with Julie and you will continue to reap the benefits of Julie’s insights and feedback.” Dulce Mange, MSW